========== User guide ========== Installation ============ You can install from PyPI. .. code-block:: console :caption: Example for using pip pip install atsphinx-goto-top Usage ===== You can use only register into your ``conf.py``. .. code-block:: :caption: conf.py extensions = [ ..., # Other your extensions "atsphinx.goto_top", ] When document build, it append the button into bottom of page. Configuration ============= .. confval:: goto_top_design :type: string :default: ``""`` Select design type of navigation button. If this value is not ``None``, builder auto detect or use ``"text"`` preset. Preset types: * ``"text"``: Simple text. * ``"image"``: Use SVG (arrow-up-to-line). When this value is neither ``None`` or preset types, builder will raises error. .. confval:: goto_top_text :type: string or None :default: ``None`` This value is used as text value of built-in button. * ``goto_top_design == "text"``: Body text of button. * ``goto_top_design == "image"``: Alternation texts of button. If this value is not set, extension will render "Back to top" or translated text. .. confval:: goto_top_side :type: string :default: ``"right"`` This value is used as CSS property. You muse set ``"left"`` or ``"right"`` .. confval:: goto_top_scroll_behavior :type: string :default: ``"auto"`` Behavior value of ``window.scrollTop()`` method when button is clicked. See it: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/scrollTo#options .. confval:: goto_top_template_id :type: string :default: ``"tmpl_gotoTop"`` This value is used for id ``